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Chakrasana steps, benefits, precautions, right ways
The chakra refers to wheel and asana means pose, and the wheel pose also known as urdhva dhanur asana. Steps of Chakrasana Sit in Dandasana the base position. Lie down on your back ( Supine position ) Slowly bend your right leg at the knee and then slowly bend the...

Sirsasana steps, benefits, precautions, right ways
What is Sirsasana? Sirsasana is the Sanskrit word. It's a combination of two words Sirsa mean Head and asana mean pose or stand. Normally we can say stand with the support of head. So that's why is called Head Stand. This is a inversion pose. Sirsasana steps Sit in...

Chandra Namaskar steps, Benefits, Precautions, Right ways, Best timings.
What is Chandra Namaskar? The word Chandra means moon and namaskar means salutation, just as the moon has no light of its own, it reflects the light of the sun, so the practice of chandra namaskara is just the reflection of Surya Namaskar. There are the same sequences...

Surya Namaskar steps, Benefits, Precautions, Right ways, Best timings.
What is Surya Namaskar? Surya Namaskar is a combination or set of 12 yoga poses. Surya Namaskar means to pray to the lord sun ( salutation towards the lord Sun ) we should practice this early in the morning. While Sun is rising that is the best time to do a Sun...