Sirsasana steps, benefits, precautions, right ways

Feb 28, 2023

What is Sirsasana?

Sirsasana is the Sanskrit word. It’s a combination of two words Sirsa mean Head and asana mean pose or stand. Normally we can say stand with the support of head. So that’s why is called Head Stand. This is a inversion pose.

Sirsasana steps

Sit in Vajrasana. Just relax your body here, take a deep inhale and deep exhale. Tall and longer spine. Now from here slowly place your forearms on the mat. Remember your shoulders and elbows should be in one line. Then interlock your fingers and place your crown of the head between the interlocked fingers. Wrap the hands around the head to make a firm support so that it cannot roll backward when pressure is applied.

Now slowly tuck in your toes and lift the knees away from the floor and straighten the legs. Now slowly walk with your feet as close as possible towards the trunk and head, now from here slowly bend your knees which is comfortable and bring the knee close to the abdomen and slowly lift another leg up. Gradually transfer your body weight from toes to head & arms. Maintain and find your balance. Keep maintaining the position for a few seconds, being aware of complete balance before proceeding. Slowly straighten the knees and raise the lover legs. The whole body should be in one straight line with the feet relaxed. This is the final position.

Now from here slowly bend your knees and one by one legs down on the mat. Now slowly come in the child pose or Balasana . Relax here for few seconds.

For proper steps and Guidance please check out the video.

Benefits of Sirsasana :

  1. Sirsasana revitalizes the entire body and mind, it relieves anxiety and other psychological disturbances which form the root cause of many disorders such as asthma and diabetes.
  2. The Sirsasana is very powerful asana and it’s known as king of the all yoga poses.
  3. It also helps to rectify many forms of nervous and glandular disorders, especially those related to the reproductive system.
  4. Headstand is known as a cooling posture, meaning that it helps you to draw your attention inwards. This posture is extremely helpful if you are having anxiety, stress, fear or otherwise worrisome thoughts. Combine headstand with long, slow breathing and you have a recipe for stress relief.
  5. With a rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp, blood circulation is boosted, resulting in better hair.

Precautions of Sirsasana

  1. First of all practice and learn this asana under the guidance of your teacher.and practice on the command of the teacher.
  2. Avoid doing this asana during menstrual cycles.
  3. In the king of the pose do not hold your breath.
  4. Do not practice Sirsasana when your abdomen full, feeling physically tired, and having headaches or migraines.
  5. If you are feeling dizziness, tired, headache, so in this situation do not practice of this.

Right ways to do of Sirsasana :-

  1. Whenever you will practice of Sirsasana so you have to know that your abdomen should be empty.
  2. If you have any kind of problem in your head, brain, like migraine and cervical so you should not practice of this pose, you should follow your teacher commands.
  3. Always beginners people do this asana under the guidance of teacher. And maintain the gap of your meal 2 hrs.


Sirsasana is one of the hardest yoga poses, We recommend it to perform under proper yoga guru guidance. Moreover if you are interested in learning such yoga poses and wanted to start a career in yoga then our 200 Hour yoga teacher training course will surely give you Inspirtation to advance further more in life.