Welcome to Drishtiyogshala | India's Best Yoga Teacher Training Institute in Rishikesh

500 Hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh India

Join our World class 500 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh & get free yoga accessories and assured discounts.


    500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India - Overview

    The 500- hour Yoga Teacher Training course at Drishtiyogshala, Rishikesh allows you to do the complete modules of 500hr Yoga alliance training in one go. This is an intensive course that will give you complete knowledge and understanding about yoga asana, pranayama, teaching methodology, mudra, hatha yoga, yoga sutra, anatomy and philosophy. Our yoga school will help you to do your own daily practice after the completion of this journey or start teaching with confidence.

    After the completion of this training, you can also register yourself with the yoga alliance as an RYT- 500 teacher and start your new journey. Whether your purpose of doing this training is to improve your self-practice, progress, and gain confidence or learn how to teach yoga, you will find this course and its structured learning format both encouraging and empowering.

    500 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

    Why do a 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training course In Rishikesh?

    500 hour yoga training is the highest international standard you can attain as a Yoga teacher. Our 500 hour yoga teacher training course combines our 200 hour yoga teacher training introductory-level yoga course with our 300 hour advanced-level yoga teacher training. Yoga participants from all over the world come to Rishikesh to intensify their yoga practice. You will easily find many yoga teacher training schools across the world but, what’s better than getting trained in the capital of yoga?

    Drishtiyogshala is one of Rishikesh’s most reputed certified 500-hour yoga teacher training schools. Our training aims at reaching out to yoga admirers with an opportunity to enhance their skills and nurture the yogi within. Our carefully structured module covers not only the physical postures but also their alignment and adjustments, ethics of yoga, Yoga Sutra, Shatkarmas, and meditation so you can become a true spiritual leader. This intensive 500-hour yoga teacher training course is intended to be practiced by all levels of yoga enthusiasts. The training is dynamic and energetic which equips the yoga teaching with both physical and theoretical knowledge of yoga.

    Course Timing and Syllabus

    500 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh - Timetable and Syllabus

    500 Hour YTTC daily timetable (Monday to Saturday)

    Sunday is full day off!

    No classes will be held on Sunday, However accommodation is still available.

    500 Hour YTTC Syllabus

    Under this course you will get both basic and in depth knowledge of Meditaion.

    First 4 Weeks

    1. Mantra Chanting Meditation
    2. Candle Meditation
    3. Breathing meditation
    4. Trataka
    5. Bhajan/Kirtan
    6. Silence practise meditation
    7. Introduction to meditation (What is Meditation)
    8. Body Awareness Meditation
    9. Mind Awareness Meditation
    10. Breathing Awareness Meditation
    11. Om Meditation Basic
    12. Mantra Meditation Practices
    13. Trataka meditation
    14. Dynamic meditation
    15. Art of self silence Practice
    16. Yog nidra
    17. Walking meditation Practice
    18. Deep listening meditation
    19. Teaching Practices of Students.

    Next 4 weeks

    1. Role of concentration in meditation and tips for developing concentration
    2. Meditation on body and breath
    3. Om / mantra meditation
    4. Antat and Bahir Trataka
    5. Dynamic meditation
    6. Tips for silent mditation practice
    7. Japa meditation
    8. Ajapa japa
    9. Antar mouna
    10. Nada meditation

    Shatkarma is a traditional yoga technique for cleansing body from inside. It helps in internal cleansing, open blockages in body and remove all internal illnesses. Shatkarma word is derived from Sanskrit and is a combination of two words "shat" + "Karma" also know as Shaktkriya. Below are the Shatkarma techniques included in the course.

    1. Agni Saar
    2. JalNeti
    3. RuberNeti
    4. Tirieng Mukha Eka Pada
    5. Paschimottanasana
    6. Sutra Neti
    7. Dand

    Mantra Chanting helps in getting energy from the universe. Our course focus on Mantra chanting at regular intervals during daily activities. Mantra Chanting Includes.

    1. Om Chanting
    2. Gayatri Mantra
    3. MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
    4. Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
    5. Prayer before class & Meal
    6. Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (mantra from Upanishad)
    7. Tvameva Mata Ca Pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
    8. Om Tryambakam Yajamahe (Lord Shiva mantra)
    9. Om Sahana Vavatu (mantra from Upanishad)
    10. Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara (Guru stotram)
    11. Yogena Cittasya (Sloka on Sage Patanjali)
    12. Hare Rama, Hare Krishna (Maha mantra)
    13. Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra
    14. Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha (Gayatri mantra)

    This Part of the course includes

    First Month

    1. Introduction of Pranayama
    2. Benefits of pranayama
    3. Explain the pranic body
    4. Prana and lifestyle
    5. Breath, health & Pranayama
    6. Pranayama and the spiritual aspirants
    7. Relavance of Pranayama in modern time.
    8. 5 Prana and Components of Pranayama
    9. Preparation for Pranayama
    10. Methods of Pranayama
      1. Balancing pranayama
      2. Vitalizing Pranayama
      3. Tranquilizing Pranayama

    Second Month

    1. The pranic body
    2. Annamaya kosha
    3. Manomaya kosha
    4. Pranamaya kosha
    5. Vijnanamaya kosha
    6. Anandamaya kosha
    7. Natural breathing
    8. Abdominal breathing
    9. Thoracic breathing
    10. Clavicular breathing
    11. Yogic breathing
    12. Nadi shodhana pranayama and its techniques
    13. Sheetali pranayama and its techniques
    14. Sheetkari pranayama
    15. Bhramari pranayama
    16. Ujjayi pranayama
    17. Bhastika pranayama
    18. Kapalbhati pranayama
    19. Moorchha pranayama
    20. Surya Bheda pranayama
    21. Chandra Bhedana pranayama
    22. Swana pranayama

    In this Class you will get Theoretical knowledge of yoga. Here are the below table of content which students will learn. 

    1. Introduction of Yoga
    2. Yoga Sutra
    3. Yoga Pantanjali sutra
    4. 5 basic Element
    5. Injuries & rest
    6. Integrating yoga in daily practice
    7. Principle of Yoga
    8. 8 limbs of Yoga
    9. Yoga therapy
    10. Yoga for stress, Migraine and Insomnia
    11. Yoga for Hypertension
    12. Yoga for heart problem, Blood pressure and Diabetic.
    13. Three Dosha
    14. The Nadi and kundalini.
    15. Basic knowledge of Chakra and Ayurveda
    16. Yogic diet
    17. Difference between Satvic & Tamasic food.
    18. Advance knowledge of Chakra and Ayurveda
    19. Group discussion
    20. Question and Answers

    Ashtanga yoga is a form of yoga that was developed in India over 2,000 years ago. It focuses on improving your physical health through postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation techniques. “Ashta” means eight and “anga” means limbs. Yoga Poses and Asanas you will learn under Ashtanga Yoga.

    Standing PosePrimary Asanas
    Hasta Padangusthasana & Pada HastasanaPaschimottanasana A, B and C
    Utthita Tri KonasanaPurvottanasana
    Parivrtta Tri KonasanaArdhaBaddha Padma Paschimottanasana
    Utthitan Parsva KonasanaTirieng Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
    Parivrtta Parsva KonasanaJanuSirsasana A,B and C
    Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C & DMarichyasana A,B and D
    Utthita ParsvottanasanaNavasana
    Utthita Hasta PadangusthasanaLolasana
    Utthita ParsvasahitaBhujaPidasana
    Utthita Eka PadasanaKurmasana
    Ardhabaddha PadmottanasanaGarbhaPindasana
    Virabhadrasana A,B and C.Kukkutasana
     BaddhaKonasana A & B
     Konasana A & B

    Intermediate Asanas

    Advanced A (optional)

    Salabhasana A & BKasyapasana
    UstrasanUrdhvaKukkatasana A
    Kapotasana A & BGalavasana
    Bakasana AVipritaSalabhasana
    Bakasana B JumpGandhaBherundasana
    Yoga NidrasanaNatrajasana
    TittibhasanaRaja Kapotasana
    Gomukhasana A & B

    Hatha yoga is the oldest & the most classic method of physical exercises and breathing control used in yoga. Hatha Yoga is excellent for improving body mobility and deep relaxation.

    1. Joints Moments.
    2. Surya namaskara ( sun salutations) & Chandra Namaskara (moon salutations)
    3. Yoga Mudrasana
    4. Matsyasana
    5. Gupta Padmasana
    6. BaddhaPadmasana
    7. Lolasana
    8. Kukkutasana
    9. Garbhasana

    Backward bending Asanas

    1. SaralBhujangasana (Easy cobra Pose)
    2. Bhujangasana (cobra Pose)
    3. TiryakaBhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)
    4. Sarpasana (snake pose)
    5. ArdhaShalabhasana ( half locust pose)
    6. Shalabhasana (locust pose)
    7. SaralDhanurasana (easy bow pose)
    8. Kandharasana (shoulder pose)
    9. ArdhaChandrasana (half moon pose)
    10. Setu Asana (bridge pose)
    11. Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)

    Forward bending Asanas

    1. Paschimottanasana (back stretching pose)
    2. GatyatmakPaschimottanasasna (dynamic back stretch pose)
    3. PadaPrasarPaschimottanasana (legs spread back stretch pose)
    4. JanuSirshasana (head to knee pose)
    5. Ardha Padma paschimottanasana (half lotus back stretching pose)
    6. Hasta PadaAngushthasana (finger to toe stretch)
    7. Padahastasana (hand to foot pose)
    8. SirshaAngusthaYogasana (head to toe pose)
    9. Utthitajanusirshasana (standing head between knees pose)

    Spinal twisting Asanas

    1. ArdhaMatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)
    2. ParivrittiJanuSirsasana (spiralled head to knee pose)

    Advance Pose

    1. Poornabhujangasana (full cobra pose)
    2. Kurmasana (tortoise pose)
    3. Poornashalabhasana (Full locust pose)
    4. PoornaDhanurasana (full bow pose)
    5. Dhanu-rakarshan-asana (archer’s posed)
    6. Chakrasana (wheel pose)
    7. Hanumanasana (leg splitting pose)
    8. Poornamatsyendrasana (full spinal twist pose)
    9. Mayurasana (peacock pose)
    10. Padma mayurasana (Lotus or bound peacock pose)
    11. Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath’s pose)
    12. Astavakrasana (eight-twists pose)
    13. Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)
    14. Inverted pose, balancing pose and core pose.

    Every yoga teacher before starting it's Yoga Practice should know about the basic structure of our human body and functions of the organs. In this course you will gain below knowledge about human Anatomy.

    1. Important joints
    2. Important Nerves
    3. Basic structure of human body
    4. Proper functioning of organs and Body parts.
    5. Types of bones
    6. Circulatory system
    7. Types of heart block
    8. Skeletal system

    The teaching methodology is one of the most important parts of the course as our students will learn the following:

    1. How to conduct a class
    2. Classroom management
    3. How to get in and come out from the posture
    4. How to assist & help while teaching the class
    5. Which kind of words you should be used as a yoga teacher
    6. What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.
    7. Which kind of asanas you should recommend with a different health issue
    8. How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

    What we offer?

    What's Included in Our 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program?

    Our 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh includes the following features.

    • Daily 3 times Sattvic meals.
    • Indian Cooking classes.
    • Weekly local sightseeing.
    • 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate – Certified from Yoga Alliance, USA.
    • Weekly outdoor yoga classes.
    • Free Yoga Materials and accessories.
    • Three complimentary massage.
    • 54 Nights Accomodation.
    • Air conditioner with additional charge (150 USD )
    • Airport Pick-up and drop.
    • Additional Advance yoga classes.
    registered Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Book Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

    500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India - Upcoming Dates

    Date Shared Room Private Room Seats Book Now
    1 Sep to 28 Oct 2024
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Oct to 28 Nov 2024
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Nov to 28 Dec 2024
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Dec to 28 Jan 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Jan to 28 Feb 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Feb to 28 mar 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Mar to 28 Apr 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Apr to 28 May 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 May to 28 Jun 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD
    1 Jun to 28 Jul 2025
    1500 USD
    1999 USD

    Life at Drishtiyogshala

    Food and Accomodation for 500 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

    Yogic Food

    Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is very important for yogis, as it can affect both their mental and physical health. The Yogic Diet is based on the natural healing, rejuvenating, and energizing elements from the revered science of Ayurveda, making it a perfect food for nourishing the mind, body, and soul of budding yogis. Drishti Yogshala provides yogic food that helps physically increase flexibility and stamina. All our kitchens are clean and hygenic and our food are globally popular for it’s taste and yumminess.

    We provide three meals a day. Both vegan and vegetarian options are available to meet the requirements of yogic practice. A healthy soul requires a healthy body, in the same way that our physical bodies require a safe and clean environment. The Drishti Yogshala is situated in a peaceful area surrounded by green mountains and fields. Our rooms are spacious and well-ventilated, and our staff is always available to keep them clean and hygienic.

    Food at Drishtiyogshala are daily cooked by expert Chef’s and are included in the price of course fees.


    Accomodation at Drishtiyogshala campus for 500 Hour yoga teacher training program are well mantained and clean. Cleaning staff cleans all room on daily basis. All rooms has attached Bathroom with 24 hours Electricity, Hot and cold running fresh water.

    We provide accomodations on private and sharing basis so do check according to your individual needs. You will have access to fully AC yoga hall for practice and meditation in silence. Laundary service is also available at small charges. rooms at our campus are shared by same genders but wife and husband, mother and daughters can share their room if both are doing Yoga teacher training program.

    Facilities at Drishtiyogshala campus

     24/7 hot, cold running water

     Single and Double sharing rooms

     rooms with attached bathroom

     Close proximity to the market

     Spacious and ventilated yoga hall

     Free Wi-Fi 24/7

    shared Room At Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Shared Rooms

    Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

    Private Rooms

    Yoga TTC IN Rishikesh

    School Building

    Yoga TTC IN Rishikesh

    Yoga Hall

    drishtiyogshala Dinning hall

    Dinning Hall

    Accommodation At Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Clean Bathrooms

    Know More

    Frequently asked Questions - 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikeh

    500 Hour YTTC program in Rishikesh is the combination of 200 hour Yoga ttc and 300 hour yoga teacher training, this course provides information about philosophy and Anatomy of Ashtanga Yoga, Vinayasa Yoga, Tradional Hatha Yoga ,philosophy and Anatomy of multi-style Ashtanga primary series, Vinyasa, Vinyasa flow, and Hatha flow style training programs.

    This course duration is 8 weeks or 57 days/56 Nights. 

    Maximum of 20 Students are allowed in a Single batch.

    Upon completion you will be certified with two certificate as RYT 200 and RYT 300 Yoga alliance certificate from Drishtiyoghshala. RYT means Registered Yoga teacher. 

    You will be served with 3 daily pure sattvic meals with rich in vegetables. Both Vegan and vegetarian options are available. 

    Yes, their will be a Physical and written test before course completion. Upon passing the exam you will be certified with RYT-500 certificate.

    Yes, Students can eat outside eatable on their own expenses. But after all classes in evening. No outside eatables are allowed during classes, Student have to eat sattvic meal at dinning hall.

    1. Valid ID proof for Indian Nationals.
    2. Visa and Passport for foreign nationals.
    3. Copy of course confirmation letter or receipt.
    4. Medication if take any.
    5. Personal Hygiene Kit.
    6. Personal Yoga Mat if you wanted to bring, However we also provide a yoga mat.

    Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh - Fees

    New Batch started from 1st - 28th Of Every Month

    200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In RIshikesh

    200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Shared Room : 750 USD
    300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Shared Room : 999 USD
    500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    Shared Room : 1599 USD


    Special Offers! Get Early Bird Discount