Trikon is the combination of two words Tri means- Three and Kon means- Angle. So when we do Trikonasana then we find three angles in this pose. This is the standing asana, practicing of Triokon asana brings strength, balance, and body flexibility.
Trikonasana Steps
- Standing straight in Samisthiti or Tadasana with feet together.
- Slowly palm on the top chest and finger facing each other but not touching. The shoulder should be in one line.
- Now from here Inhale jumps or steps out 3 and 4 feet apart. As you exhale now turn the right foot out 90 degrees and the left foot in slightly.
- Slowly inhale and stretch your arms by the side with shoulder distance, both arms should be in one line, from here cut your waist from the waistline and exhale lean your body towards the right side.
- Make sure your front leg heel and back leg heel should be in one line, and while you lean your body towards the left side so push the chest back with the line of your hips, and your buttocks should be in one line.
- Catch your big toe with your right-hand index and middle finger and your left hand should be up higher, keep focus that your both arms in one line.
- Stay in this pose for a few breaths and feel the stretch in your leg muscles, then inhale slowly come up, and repeat on the other side.
Right ways to do Trikonasana
- Practice of Trikonasana after some warmup and Surya namaskar.
- Always practice any asana in the right ways.
- Beginners should practice under their teachers.
- If you are having some problems during the posture so use the props and all.
- Do not force your body to hold the pose deeply if you are a beginner.
- Do not bend your body forward try to bend your body towards the side.
Trikonasana Benefits
- The help of Trikonasana unlocks the shoulders and hip flexors.
- Regular practice of Trikonasana reduces spinal and back stiffness.
- Trikon asana gives strength and flexibility to our leg muscles.
- Practicing Trikonasana activates the core and helps in digestive organs, and increases the metabolism in our body.
- Trikonasana affects the muscles on the sides of the trunk, the waist, and the back of the legs. It stimulates the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression.
- Practicing of Triangle pose also strengthens the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs. Regular practice will help to reduce waistline fat.
- Trikonasana is a standing posture that requires balance and stability in the body, practicing of Triangle pose regularly helps us to improve stability and balance.
- Practicing Trikonasana increases focus and concentration to maintain proper alignment.
- Regular practice of this pose helps us to focus and deal with our goal and helps to handle the daily tasks in life.
Trikonasana Precautions
- Do not bend your body front, try to lean towards the side bend.
- Do not bend your knees in this pose, if you have the desire to bend the knees so you can just hold less and you can use the props.
- If you are suffering from any kind of back pain and if you have an injury in your legs so do not perform this pose, it can be harmful to you.
- If you have neck pain so don’t stretch more your neck and don’t look up at your palm, you can look front and relax your neck.
- People who are suffering from high and low blood pressure and any kind of heart-related problems and surgery so don’t try to do this asana,
- Do not stretch your body over, Try to listen to your body and stretch according to your body.
- People who have deep injured and recent injuries in their spine, ankle, and thigh so don’t practice.
Conclusion –
Trikonasana is an advanced yoga posture, practicing this pose we get so many benefits. Trikonasana is for beginners, intermediate, and advanced yoga practitioners, also perform this with many variations and props with different modifications. People who have any kind of injury so don’t practice Trikonasana.
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