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Crocodile pose steps, benefits, precautions, best timings

Crocodile pose

In yoga, we have seen people performing various asanas to improve their physical or mental concerns. Yoga is itself a medicine that can keep us away from the doctor or any serious medical illness. In our day-to-day life, we are busy with our tight schedules and that is why it is essential that we give our body the proper rest it deserves. There comes Crocodile Pose which helps in deep relaxation, restores energy, controls diaphragmatic breathing, and prevents from effects of stress and anxiety. Moreover, it promotes a sense of rejuvenation to make an ideal posture for relaxation and recovery.  Despite the fact that it is the last asana in the yoga session, it equally holds importance in the yoga practice. 

To perform this crocodile pose all you need is a soft surface to lie on. Your only equipment will be a yoga mat and the whole process of this pose will happen on it. So, let’s begin.

Crocodile pose steps.

  1. Laying on your stomach on a yoga mat or other comfortable surface, slowly stretching your legs straight behind you while maintaining hip-width distance between them, is the first step in the Crocodile posture.
  2. Next, Put your hands on your forehead, palms facing down.  After that, keep your shoulders relaxed and slightly bend your elbows. Once you’ve finished, close your eyes and relax your entire body to release any tension.
  3. Allowing your hips, lower back, and legs to drop into the floor next will cause your spine to gently extend.
  4. Breathe in slowly and deeply, paying attention to your breathing’s natural pattern. Feel your belly expand and contract as you breathe in and out while performing the Makarasana Crocodile Pose.
  5. Allow your shoulder to be relaxed away from your ears and soften your facial muscles. For a lengthier relaxation session, hold the pose for the appropriate amount of time, usually 5–10 minutes.
  6. Lift your head slowly and carefully, move your hands out from underneath your forehead, and place them beside your body to return to the regular posture. Take a few breaths while curled up in the fetal position on your side, using your arm as support.
  7. Then, when you’re prepared, slowly lift yourself into a sitting position.

Crocodile Pose performs at the last of most of the yoga poses to let the body get back into a relaxing and restoration position. In addition to this, doing this locust pose is essential because there are various benefits you can get while performing the posture.

Crocodile pose benefits

  • Deep Relaxation: To promote a deep state of relaxation and rest is the main goal of the crocodile stance. Your entire body may relax and let go of stress by resting on your belly with the top of your head lying on your hands. It is the perfect pose for unwinding and recovering since it encourages feelings of stillness, peacefulness and renewal.
  • Realigning the spine: The Crocodile position aids with spinal alignment and relieves any built-up stress or strain in the back. The natural curve of your spine is gently supported as you lay on your stomach, allowing it to extend and relax. As a result, lower back discomfort and stiffness may subside, and posture may gradually get better.
  • Deep breathing and pranayama: You can concentrate on deep, diaphragmatic breathing in the crocodile stance. This position promotes deep relaxation and increases oxygen intake by encouraging the diaphragm to contract and the lungs to expand. While in this pose, you can practice several breathing exercises or pranayama methods, which will increase the overall health advantages of the practice.
  • Relaxation of the nervous system: The “rest and digest” response, commonly known as the parasympathetic nervous system, is triggered by the crocodile stance. The feeling of relaxation, which assists in balancing the effects of anxiousness and stress, can be induced by purposefully calming your body and mind while performing this pose. It helps to create serenity and regulates the nervous system’s autonomic function.
  • Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing: Makarasana Crocodile Pose provides a chance for reflection and attention. You can focus while lying still and observing your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without passing judgment. A deeper relationship with oneself can be fostered through this recognition of oneself and contemplation practice, which also helps to foster clarity of thought and psychological well-being.

The crocodile pose is the safest and easiest relaxation pose to do, however, before you perform Crocodile Pose there are a few controls and precautions that should be considered:

Crocodile pose precautions

  • Support for Head: To support your forehead and maintain good alignment while reducing neck stress, use a towel that has been folded or a small pillow.
  • Modifications: If you are having trouble, don’t compromise; instead, adjust it as necessary. If you have trouble resting your forehead on your hands, maintain your upper body and keep yourself comfortable by using a support structure or a folded blanket as a prop.
  • Avoid Discomfort: Do not overextend yourself or exert more force than your body can handle. To avoid any pain or discomfort, pay attention to your body’s cues and change your stance accordingly.
  • Natural Breathe: Without effort or force, let your breath come to you naturally. Focus on relaxing, deep breathing, and avoid holding your breath.
  • Medical conditions or injuries: Consult a medical expert or a yoga instructor for advice on adjustments or other poses if you have any current back, neck, shoulder, or other medical concerns.

Best time to do a Crocodile pose

The greatest time to perform the Crocodile posture is when it works into your schedule and you have some downtime to unwind and give attention to your well-being. It’s crucial to pay attention to your body and practice whenever it’s easiest and most convenient for you. The Crocodile pose may lack the physical vigor or dynamic of other yoga poses, but its significance resides in its capacity to promote relaxation, body and mind restoration, and reflection on oneself. By including this pose in your yoga routine, you can have an entire experience that promotes your physical and emotional well-being.


The crocodile pose is one of the most important yoga poses for deep breathing and muscle strength. People who have any kind of injury try to avoid these yoga poses.

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